Partners & Supporters

Our partners and supporters are extremely important and help us accomplish our goals.

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Bruyère is a multi-site academic health care organization that delivers a wide variety of services in aging and rehabilitation, medically complex, palliative, residential and primary care.

Music note that turns into a stethoscope

Concert Docs

An organization of musician doctors
- doctors who also happen to be
excellent musicians -
who offer pro bono concerts for good causes.

Concert Docs primary focus is seniors' residences and long-term care homes,
but they also perform at fundraisers for charitable or non-profit organizations, and at private functions in return for a donation.

RIA Links: Artists for System Change

Ria Links

Ria Links Artists for Systems Change
is an online offshoot from RIA Research in Art. Their Salons in the Cloud are open to any artists or non-artists interested in, or curious about, art and systems change. 


The mandate of GigSpace is to enlighten, inspire, educate and promote music and musicians in a supportive and creative atmosphere. GigSpace’s Live Recording Studios provide Radical Connections with a state of art venue to Live Stream events into healthcare locations and listeners homes.

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Equity in Health Systems Lab

scholarly approaches
to promote equity and inclusion
in our health system.

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is a bilingual arts-service organization working actively in the community to champion the arts in the Ottawa region: an essential connection to opportunities and resources.

ANO strengthens our local arts eco-system, building partnerships and collaborations with those who share our belief that the Arts build strong, vibrant communities.

uOttawa Music and Health Research Institute

An innovative and impactful research Institute at the intersection of
music, health sciences, social sciences, engineering and medicine.

Ottawa Art Gallery

is home to the Art and Artists of the Ottawa-Gatineau region; where you can experience the collections, exhibits and events that link us, and where connection happens between Art and City.

Creative Wellbeing is a city-building partnership with a vision to add artistic expression to the healthcare experience and to build awareness across Ottawa of the unique relationship between art and science as it relates to healthcare.

Dementia Society

The Dementia society provides compassionate support, tailored coaching and practical education for everyone impacted by dementia while building a dementia inclusive community.