Adventures as a Not-for-Profit

Three years ago, cj fleury and I incorporated Radical Connections, excited to apply our experiences with the Bruyère Artist in Residence program and bring all kinds of artists into healthcare spaces. We were aware that operational funding might take time but had high hopes that our much-needed enterprise would readily attract funding. In these early years, we have had success with several small grants, providing funding for artists, but inadequate funding for staff and operations. Because of what I had personally observed as a physician and musician, I happily invested time and money in Radical Connections, knowing what a difference it made for isolated people in healthcare to have access to artists and musicians. Unfortunately, my financial resources are limited, and personal funding is not a sustainable solution for Radical Connections.

Knowing this, we explored an operational partnership with a larger arts organization in 2023, but it became clear that our visions were too disparate to deal with the difficult logistics of a potential merger. At the same time, as we approach our third year as a corporation, we believe we have what we need to gain the trust of potential operational funders:

  • We are a registered charity as of Feb 2023

  • We have successfully managed project funding for several meaningful projects

  • Research and mentorship are built into everything we do

  • We have an amazing team of artists and an excellent network of partners

After much reflection, with support from the Radical Connections board, we are forging ahead, which unfortunately requires minimizing expenses. In the short-term, we are sadly discontinuing the Artistic Director position for Radical Connections. Jenny McMaster has provided clear, skilled guidance and coordination for our artists and artistic programming and will be greatly missed. 

Our reflection also reinforced the success and meaningfulness of our active programs:

  • Live performances in healthcare settings, including long-term care and retirement residences, hospitals, and day programs such as the Dementia Society’s Daisy Cafe.

  • One-on-one virtual or live connections, giving people who are isolated by their healthcare needs the agency and opportunity to choose their entertainment. These one-on-one connections have led to meaningful awakenings, joy, and friendships between Radical Connections artists and the people they are performing for, talking with, and making art with. We are excited to promote increased availability for these one-on-one connections with the Dementia Society and Connected Canadians.

  • Our latest project, Storytelling in Palliative Care, is well underway, with presentations planned at palliative care conferences, culminating with a vernissage and exhibit in November 2024 at the Ottawa Art Gallery. Kim Kilpatrick, storyteller, is crafting the stories told by patients, staff, and caregivers, and gifting them back to the original story-holder.

We believe our life-giving work is needed more than ever at this time of increasing needs and decreasing resources, for everyone living and working in healthcare spaces. If you or someone you know has time or financial resources to share, we would welcome donors and volunteers - anyone who feels passionate about what Radical Connections is doing and has experience with administration or coordination, especially in healthcare settings. We would also appreciate any recommendations for a fund-raising expert on our board.


ShapeVision at Saint-Vincent Hospital:


Radical Connections at the Daisy Cafe